November 2022 – December 2022
Held over the course of two weekends at the Beaney House of Art & Knowledge Museum, the Hullabaloo pop-up shop is a student-led fundraising creative market, created with the purpose of funding our end of year Graduation Showcase.

As one of the project manager, I was able to participate in a lot of the organisation for the shop. Organising stock, writing up an inventory, organising packaging and handling the finances were all new responsibilities to me that I was able to take on confidently.

This was a successful event both for me personally and for the fundraising. We raised over £1200 selling students’ artwork over two weekends, which helped us fund part of our graduation showcase.
This was my first opportunity to take on more responsibilities and helped me build the confidence and the necessary skillset for many more projects to come.
This was my first opportunity to take on more responsibilities and helped me build the confidence and the necessary skillset for many more projects to come.